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North Korean Air Force

North Korea's Air Force: A Growing Threat

Unveiling the Korean People's Army Air Force (KPAF)

A Unified and Formidable Force

The Korean People's Army Air Force (KPAF) is the unified aerial force of North Korea, responsible for both air and space defense. With over 100,000 members, it stands as the second-largest branch of the Korean People's Army.

A Focus on Air and Air-Defense

In recent years, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has prioritized the development of the KPAF. This shift in focus has resulted in increased attention to air and air-defense capabilities, including the deployment of anti-aircraft systems and the acquisition of advanced aircraft.

Comprehensive Capabilities

The KPAF boasts a diverse fleet of aircraft, including attack bombers, cargo transports, special mission fighters, search and rescue aircraft, and aerial tankers. These versatile assets provide North Korea with a wide range of capabilities, from ground attack to aerial surveillance and refueling.

A Growing Threat

As North Korea continues to develop its air and air-defense capabilities, the KPAF poses an increasing threat to neighboring countries and beyond. Its growing strength and advanced equipment have raised concerns about the potential for military escalation in the region.
